6 Things You're DEFINITELY Not Cleaning (But NEED To)

It's easy enough to keep your house "clean." But for it to be truly pristine, there are several overlooked areas of your home that are probably harboring months (or even years!) of dust and dirt. Make sure to add these chores to your checklist. They don't need to be done every month — aim for once per quarter.


1. The tops of your doors.

Use a damp rag and a vinegar solution to swipe away years of dust that accumulates on the tops of your doors. Don't forget: closet doors, front door, and tops of casement windows.

2. Your walls.

Your walls need cleaning, too! The easiest way to get rid of sneaky layers of dust? Try swiping a dry Swiffer over your surfaces. For more intense stains, go to town with a light vinegar solution or a Magic Eraser.


3. Little indents in doors.

If you have Shaker-style doors or doors that showcase paneling, make sure you're dusting off those little indents and ledges that become traps for dust and dirt.

4. Tops of cabinets doors.

Sensing a theme here? Basically, anything in your home that has some type of door function is probably holding on to some grime. If you've got white cabinets, go over them a second time with a Magic Eraser to make sure they stay pristine.


5. The inside of your vacuum cleaner hose.

Disconnect your vacuum hose and soak it in a large tub with soapy water. Make sure it's fully dry before your next use!

6. Lamp and appliance cords.

Every few months make sure to do a sweep of cords — especially the ones that dangle behind furniture. Simply use a dry Swiffer or even just a paper towel to remove any dust.

