These Kitchen Renovations Will Increase Your Home's Value

"One for them, one for me," was how Martin Scorsese once explained his approach to work. For every project you take on for yourself (you know, the ones you feel proud of), you do another for the mass audience (money). And for homeowners who are eventually planning to sell, an adoption of this technique could be the difference between getting your listing price and having to accept a lowball offer. Because while, yes, you should make your house feel personal, if you want to make a profit, you need to consider a broader audience — or at least that's Bob Bakes and Paul Kropp of Bakes & Kropp's advice.


Kitchen Renovation Tips to Increase Your Home's Value

The two founders of the fine cabinetry brand recently shared the kitchen renovations that are sure to increase your home's value, and it started with their own version of that very technique.

1. Keep it clean, classic, and symmetrical.

"When designing for resale it's important to design for mass appeal," said Kropp. They recommend keeping the kitchen clean, classic, and symmetrical, advising that homeowners find a balance between "warmth and modernity" — an everyone-wins approach, explains Bakes. A surefire way to achieve this? The duo's "signature pairing of white and oak finishes." This combined with timeless cabinetry is the formula for high resale value.


And while sticking to classic designs is their key to elevating your home's value, they also acknowledge the importance of following certain trends. For instance, smart home appliances are a must, with Bakes calling them the new "norm in luxury kitchens," explaining that they elevate the overall experience and make the space more versatile and accessible.

But, like we said, for every "for them" there must be a "for me," which is why Kropp suggests "layering in 'wow' factors" you love that won't steal the spotlight. He recommends things like a wood waterfall countertop, a custom range hood, or extra thick countertops.

You'd never want to not love living in your space, but — if you don't plan to stay forever — you'd be remiss not to consider those small details that can increase your home's value. Bakes and Kropp's advice is to keep designs accessible and technology modern, while of course leaving space for a few personal touches.


