Cleaning Habits Are Slipping Globally

Dyson's 2023 global dust study reveals that cleaning schedules are falling to the wayside as the world reopens after the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the report, there has been a 14% reduction in the number of people surveyed who stick to a regular cleaning schedule.


The study suggests that instead of cleaning on a schedule, we're becoming more reactive cleaners — meaning we only grab our cleaning supplies when we notice a mess. A majority of Americans surveyed (55%) admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust. Compared to last year's report, this number has risen by nearly 20%.

Reactive cleaning is definitely not the best way to clean your house if you're on a mission to promote health and well-being (as most of us are). Dyson says microscopic dust like pet dander and dust mite allergens actually have more of an impact on your overall health than larger particles that you can see with the naked eye.

Routine cleaning for the win! We understand that not everyone loves cleaning, but we do. With pre-made cleaning schedules and a multitude of helpful cleaning how-tos, we're here to help.


