Dollar Tree Actually Can't Afford To Sell This Essential Item Anymore

If you're hunting for eggs this Easter, steer clear of Dollar Tree. According to CNN, the discount retailer, known for pricing most items at $1.25, will discontinue eggs for the time being due to their current high cost.


Egg prices have gone up rapidly in the past few months due to a shortage caused by everything from avian flu to higher production costs, as well as egg producers seeking higher prices to capitalize on the demand. After seeing increases of up to 55% for shoppers, the price of eggs is slowly beginning to come back down to earth. However, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the average price for a dozen Grade A eggs was still $4.21 in February.

While most retailers have raised egg prices to adjust for the higher costs, such a high price hike doesn't quite work with Dollar Tree's business model.

"Our primary price point at Dollar Tree is $1.25. The cost of eggs is currently very high," said Randy Guiler, a spokesperson for the company, per CNN. Guiler says Dollar Tree anticipates eggs will return to stores when "costs are more in line with historical levels." Back in 2021, Dollar Tree raised the price of a carton of eggs from $1 to $1.25.


Family Dollar, another discount store also owned by Dollar Tree, will continue selling eggs. Dollar Tree hopes to begin selling eggs again later in the year.

