This Target Hack Will Make Carrying Items To Your Car So Much Easier

There are many reasons Target is one of the most universally beloved places on Earth. Sure, there are the obvious things that come to mind, like the affordable price points, the convenience, and those giant red cement orbs out front. But then there are the more subtle, under-the-radar details that make the Target shopping experience superior — like this checkout hack, recently revealed by TikTok user @andrearizatips.


We've all been there: You're alone at checkout, encumbered by a bulky box of diapers, toilet paper, or paper towels, and you find yourself unable to easily carry this overbearing item to your car since it's too big to fit into a bag. Well, Target understands your plight and has devised a thoughtfully simple device for helping you schlep your goodies.

Andrea demonstrates it in their video, first pointing out long strips of plastic attached to a self-checkout kiosk. It's far from clear what these even are at first glance, but after Andrea peels off one of the strips of plastic, she then adheres it to either side of her large box of diapers to create a handy-dandy handle.

@andreaarizarealtor ♬ Sure Thing (sped up) – Miguel

This self-adhesive plastic handle is as easy as it is brilliant, but it's obvious from the responses to Andrea's video that Target hasn't done the best job of promoting what it actually is. One user wrote, "I worked there, and even I didn't know [until] like two weeks before my last day." Another adds, "I never knew. I thought it was just a design."


Target earns top points for inventive ingenuity but clearly still has room for improvement in the communication department.

