This Trending 'Spaghetti' Breakfast Is About To Become Your New Favorite Food

In the movie ‌Elf‌, Will Ferrell's character, Buddy, famously makes spaghetti for breakfast and douses it with maple syrup, before topping it with candy, chocolate syrup, and Pop-Tarts. While it's a hilarious scene, the spaghetti itself is not appetizing in the least, but TikToker @brianaarchuleta has a take on sweet spaghetti that we can get on board with.


The TikTok shows rows of thin drizzles of pancake batter on a griddle, with text reading, "My husband invented something delicious this morning! Pancake spaghetti." The slim strips of pancake are then taken off the griddle, added to a bowl, and dusted with powdered sugar. There's a slow-mo pour of maple syrup, followed by a fork diving in and swirling the pancake strips around itself, much like you would with regular spaghetti. Genius.


The viral video currently has a whopping 1.2 million likes, and the comments section is going bananas for this new food trend. One user recommended adding maple sausage or fruit to the bowl of pancake spaghetti, while many were sharing that this is like an at-home funnel cake recipe, just without the frying. Even IHOP has shared its approval as it commented, "Okay, high key."


Making pancake spaghetti, or as the creator's husband likes to call them, squiggle cakes, is easy. Drizzle pancake batter on a griddle with a whisk, or you could even put your batter in a squeeze bottle to create the strips. Since the batter is so thin, the pancake will cook quickly, and there's no need to flip them since they'll cook through.

Add your pancake spaghetti to a bowl with whatever toppings you like. This fun take on the pancake is quick, easy, and makes the perfect weekend morning breakfast. Now, excuse us as we dig out our griddles.

