Martha Stewart's Tomato Salad Features An Unexpected Ingredient

Summer is peak season for tomatoes, one of the most versatile (and delicious!) veggies. So, when we stumbled upon a particularly unique tomato recipe on Instagram, we just had to share it. The dish is an heirloom tomato salad by Martha Stewart, and it features ... wait for it ... whipped cream.


The recipe, which was originally shared in 2017, is described as an "ethereal riff on traditional Caprese salad," according to the Martha Stewart website. It calls for unsweetened whipped cream instead of mozzarella, resulting in rich and flavorful side dish that's anything but ordinary.

Admittedly, the combo of whipped cream and tomatoes might seem strange at first. But the key is to use ​unsweetened​ whipped cream. In other words, it's not the same stuff you'd eat with something like ice cream or brownies. Instead, it's plain heavy cream that's been whipped until wonderfully thick and fluffy.

When you think of it this way, it actually makes a lot of sense. After all, is the ingredient really that much different than other creamy dairy products? Not really! Plus, you only need 1/2 cup of heavy cream for the dish, making it perfect for using up leftover cream.


The other ingredients are also simple and easy to find: sea salt, ground black pepper, fresh basil leaves, and olive oil. That being said, we're definitely adding this concoction to our summer to-do list. You can view the full recipe here.

Other ways to use tomatoes this summer:

If you're still not loving the idea of whipped cream and tomatoes, try making tomato toast. The dish involves grating a fresh tomato, straining the mixture, and spreading it on toast. It's known as pan con tomate, or "bread with tomato," which is eaten in some Spanish cuisines. Avocado toast who?


