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Hunker Down With Sarisa Munoz From The Indigo Leopard Home

Colors, patterns, textures ... oh, my! If there was ever a shining example of how to weave all of those elements together seamlessly, it would be this two-story wonder located in the suburbs of Oklahoma City, OK. And who, pray tell, is the mastermind behind such an eclectic design? So glad you asked. We can all thank Sarisa Munoz, the talented creative behind The Indigo Leopard Home, for this eye candy.


Bursting with vintage treasures and personality, Munoz has seemingly managed to unlock the secret to designing a home that feels warm and inviting, collected and layered, and playful and whimsical, all at the same time. Grandmillenial trend lovers, rejoice! And by looking at it, you'd never guess that Munoz — along with her husband, dog Vida, and Himalayan Siamese cat Chopper — moved into this four-bedroom, five-bathroom abode only a few months ago. (Yes, you read that right!) But somehow they've managed to pull it all together with style and grace.

Despite Munoz having her hands full turning her house into a colorful home, she was kind enough to hunker down with me to share her enviable style secrets ​and​ to give us a closer look at her progress.


Hunker:​ How would you describe your home's style?

Sarisa Munoz: Eclectic bohemian.

Hunker:​ You've made beautiful use of color and patterns in your home. Do you have any tips for others looking to do the same?

SM: I know people get scared of color, but it really isn't that hard to integrate color or pattern into your home. Start small with a pillow or art piece and build from there. It's taken me a lot of experimentation, but it's not one size fits all! Just do what you are comfortable with!

Hunker:​ What is the secret to keeping your home looking wonderfully layered and collected?

SM: I love to antique, vintage, and thrift shop. I think mixing my "treasures" with a little modern decor accomplishes a unique and collected look. Layering the floors with rugs [and] the furniture with pillows and throws also helps bring a cozy vibe.

Hunker:​ What shops/brands do you love shopping when you're looking for furniture and decor?

SM: I love Anthropologie, Wayfair, Article, and of course my local vintage stores.

Hunker:​ Do you have a morning routine or ritual?

SM: I immediately get up and drink a cup of coffee (I prefer Kona, but it's hard to find), and usually hop on Instagram to return messages/etc. I also like to watch my guilty pleasure reality TV — like the ​Housewives​ franchises and I'm def part of ​Bachelor​ nation — before anyone else gets up!


Hunker:​ Do you have anything in your home that has been handed down? Would you mind sharing the story/history behind it?

SM: My grandmother passed away this last year so I received some of her vintage trinkets that I display in my antique cabinet. She was a collector of trinkets, and I was given a trio of vintage brass cats and a pair of vintage salt and pepper shakers.

Hunker:​ You mentioned your grandmother (I'm so sorry for your loss.) Would you say you got your love for collecting vintage decor from her?

SM: I actually got my love for vintage collecting from my mom. Growing up she was an antique dealer. Her dad (my grandfather) was also an antique dealer. I guess it runs in the family. Lol.

Hunker:​ Is there an item in your home that looks expensive, but was really a bargain find or a DIY project?

SM: This past weekend I came across an antique cabinet from a local consignment store. I jumped on it quickly! It's absolutely glorious with hand-carved and painted detailing. I'm not sure of the history, but I can tell it's worth much more than I paid for it.

Hunker:​ Where do you go for inspiration? (i.e.: brands, architects, designers, photographers, apps, podcasts, books, blogs, magazines, etc.)


SM: My source of inspiration really comes from all places. My fellow home decor accounts on IG are always inspiring me on the daily! I also regularly peruse Pinterest [and] buy home decor mags.

Hunker:​ It seems like you have quite a few plants. Do you have any go-to sources for stylish planters?

SM: Yes my husband and I are plant lovers through and through! I've been finding a lot of good ones at HomeGoods. I'm also a big fan of just using baskets which is [a] really inexpensive way to make your plant[s] look stylish!

Hunker:​ Since we have all been staying at home more than ever over the last year, have you started any new projects or hobbies?

SM: I guess I wouldn't say a new hobby, but I've def been focusing on the curation of my home with a purposeful intent. I think being home much more, I'm looking around configuring how I really want things to look ... we bought [the house] in August, but moved in [at] the end of October 2020. It's still a work in progress. There are some upcoming wallpaper projects going down, so stay tuned!

Hunker:​ What book is on your nightstand and/or coffee table right now?

SM: I have a stack of fun coffee table books, mainly home decor. (Go figure ... Haha!) However, I just picked up Pierce & Ward's newest book called ​A Tale of Interiors​, they are my design idols, and I just adore it!


