How To Clean Copper (Watch That Tarnish Magically Disappear)

Copper is a metal that offers a timeless look and feel when used in home decor. Unfortunately, copper can tarnish easily. However, while it looks like it would be hard to clean, it's easy to restore back to it's original, shiny patina. This tutorial will show you how to clean copper in several easy steps using a few simple items.


Things Needed

  • Lemon, (1)

  • Kosher salt

  • Water

  • Clean cloth or towel

Step 1

Cut a lemon in half.

Step 2

Add kosher salt to a small bowl. Make sure the bowl is big enough to dip the lemon into.

Step 3

Dip the cut side of the lemon in the salt.

Step 4

Rub the salted lemon all over your copper piece. Start at the top and work your way down. The salty lemon juice will run down your piece while you are cleaning it. Within seconds, you'll see the tarnish almost magically disappear and the original copper color will start to shine through.


TIP: To keep the salt and lemon from getting on your cleaning surface, place a towel under the item you are cleaning.

Step 5

Repeat the first four steps until the whole piece is clean.

Step 6

Rinse with warm water, and then dry using a clean towel.

Your copper pieces will look shiny and new again within minutes!

