8 Trends Messy People Should DEFINITELY Avoid

We don't judge — being neat isn't for everyone. And, tbh, feeling like you need everything just so can be a bit tiring. So if you've come to terms with the fact that you are just a bit messy, then there are certain ways to make your home more livable. You can start by avoiding these trends, which really, truly are for the neat-freaks out there.


1. Open Shelving

Open shelving is so gorgeous, but it's kind of a nightmare. It's not very practical. It requires that you have the perfect arrangement of aesthetically pleasing dishes and ceramics at all time. And, chances are, these end up being objects you don't even use that often, so then you're just constantly dusting. Instead, go for closed cabinetry in a fun hue.


2. Open Vanities

Similarly, open bathroom vanities may be great for producing elegant storage areas, but you need to make sure your supplies are organized in hotel-like fashion for the whole thing to look complete. You might be better off with closed vanities that offer lots of storage.


3. Glass Cabinets

Like open shelves, glass cabinets put your world on display. So you need to make sure that everything behind them is stuff you want people seeing. Plus, if you use glass cabinets in high-traffic areas, you need to regularly clean them to be fingerprint-free. If you already have glass cabinets, but can't keep your stuff perfectly organized all the time, consider applying removable wallpaper.


4. Minimalism

So, minimalism might actually work out for you if you're messy ... and don't have a lot of stuff. Otherwise, clothing on the floor or shoes strewn about will totally mess up your minimalist bedroom aesthetic. That said, maximalism might just be the decor trend you're looking for.


5. Glass/Industrial Fridges

While not super common in the average American home, industrial fridges are growing in popularity among a certain set of people. These people tend to, uh ... we'll just say it: These are rich folks. So, chances are, they have cleaners to artfully arrange the contents of their fridges. Maybe an integrated fridge would help to keep your kitchen looking clean.


6. Visible Clothing Storage

Okay: If you live in a small space, or are short on closets, you might have no choice but to use your bedroom to store clothing. Our advice? Get a freestanding wardrobe you can close. Clothing racks can be cute, but not when they're bursting and holding way too much stuff.


7. Storage-less Bedside Tables

C'mon. You just know that spot will become a dumping ground for papers, books, vitamin bottles, and mugs in a week or two.

8. Open Glass Showers

Glass-walled showers are indeed elegant, but they get scummy fast, so you need to be prepared to fully wipe them down every week or so. Aside from that, you might be better off hiding all your toiletries behind a shower curtain.


