The One Thing In Your Home You're DEFINITELY Not Cleaning — Here's How

With all this extra time, chances are you've been cleaning every nook and cranny of your home. In fact, your home might be so pristine, you're actually sad you've run out of things to clean. Good news (we think?) is that we've thought of something you probably haven't thought to clean — and that's because they're notoriously sneaky and tricky. Drum roll please ... lampshades.

You can be shocked — shocked! — at how much dust can accumulate on your lampshades. The trick is — how do you efficiently swipe dust away, especially on fabric shades? Yes, you can take a damp paper towel to the shade, but an easier way is to use ... wait for it ... a lint roller.

Simply roll around the exterior of the drum of your shade. Don't forget to roll around the top and bottom edges of the shade.

Happy lint rolling!
