Is Wearing Socks To Bed Weird? We Have Strong Opinions About It

Struggling to catch up on zzz's after Daylight Saving Time? Sleep Week is here to help. From editor-tested bedding and slumber-friendly products to bed cleaning hacks, we've got everything you could ever need to up your sleep game. Happy snoozing.


It's official, we found the most divisive issue of the year: Wearing socks to bed. What started out as a simple query turned into a full-blown debate during our last team meeting. (Even Twitter has seriously strong feelings on the subject.) So, we took it to a vote. We polled the Hunker team to get their hot takes on the subject and the answers got heated. But the question remains: Are you Team Socks or Team (Hell) No Socks?

Team Socks

"In the winter, yes! When it's warm, why? But one pet peeve I do have: Your socks need to be extra clean if you're wearing them, and if you're going bare, your feet need to be freshly washed!" — Leonora Epstein, Senior Director


"I like to heavily moisturize my feet at night (is this TMI?), so socks are a must to lock in all that lotion!" — Lowe Saddler, SEO Editor

"Listen, I don't like sneezing all night so this is a big yes for me! I get cold easily and start sneezing and then the cat and my partner will not sleep well and who wants all that??" — Eva Recinos, Associate Editor

Team Eh

"I don't love wearing socks to bed, but it really depends on whether or not I won the thermostat war with my husband that night." — Gina Goff, Director of Audience Development

"On occasion, I will wear socks to bed — but only when I put on CBD salve to my aching feet and don't want it to get all over my beloved Parachute sheets. But then, I usually kick them off at some point in the night." — Laurie Grossman, Director, Editorial Operations


"I fall asleep with socks on and then push them off during the night ... so I have a bunch of socks at the end of my bed. It drives my wife crazy." — Paul Anderson, Creative Director

"I wear socks before bed while I eat dinner and watch TV, so usually I take them off before getting into bed since I feel like they've collected dirt/hair/dust from the floor. But, if I'm freezing, I will leave them on (even though they usually fall off at some point during the night)." — Katie Maguire, Commerce Editor

Team No Socks

"Let your feet breathe! Covered feet cause sweat and, to me, it feels like your body isn't getting a full detox. (Yes, sleep is extra important because our body detoxes while we sleep!)" — Branché Foston, Social Media Specialist, Influencers & Community


"NO SOCKS! EWW... for some reason wearing socks to bed grosses me out, and it gets too hot here in CA for that nonsense." — Colette Dazé, Hunker House Manager

"Would you wear mittens to sleep? I thought so. Hard pass, do not pass go, do not collect $200." — Thuan Hoang, Marketing Manager

"Wearing socks to bed is very triggering for me. Once upon a time when I was a little tike my mom used to buy me and my sisters matching footed pajamas. You know the one I'm talking about, the impossible-to-get-out-of onesie with that weird, paper-like material on the bottom side of the feet? Think the deranged Easter bunny pajamas à la A Christmas Story. Anyways, wearing socks basically gives me flashbacks of this itchy and sweaty torture — needless to say, I'm team No Socks. Thanks mom!" — Ariane Moore, Design Editor


