Here's An Idea For Your Pretty Bathroom Backsplash: A DIY Cleaner To Keep Toxins At Bay

Over time, bathroom tiles can become caked with dust, hair product residue, mildew, and bacteria. If you want to get all that gunk off, try this DIY bathroom backsplash cleaning idea: Make an all-natural tile cleaner and banish the grime for good! You only need a few ingredients that you may already have in your pantry to make this amazing tile cleaner. Get ready for your bathroom backsplash to shine like new again.


Things Needed

All-Natural Tile Cleaner Recipe

Add the water, vinegar, and orange essential oil together in a glass spray bottle. The vinegar will help to sanitize the tiles while the orange essential oil will help remove any hair product build-up or residue that may have adhered to your tiles. Shake well before each use.


How to Clean a Tile Backsplash

Step 1

Mix up the all-natural tile cleaner.

Step 2

Spray your tiles liberally with the tile cleaner.

Step 3

Use a scrubber sponge to work the cleaner into the tiles.

Step 4

Wipe the tiles clean using a microfiber cloth.

