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Genius Ways To Store Holiday Ornaments Using Items You Probably Have

True, taking down and putting away holiday decor can be a less-than-joyful task. And if you have any fragile ornaments, it makes it even trickier when packing them up for storage.

Allow us to make ornament organization easy for you. We've got four simple hacks that'll keep your ornaments safely stored and easy to find when it's time to pull them out next season. The best part? You probably already have a few of these items right now.


1. Plastic Cups

Have leftover cups from your holiday party? Well, now they're about to become sturdy compartments for housing delicate ornaments. Simply line cups up on the bottom of a plastic storage container and place an ornament inside each cup. Then place a piece of scrap cardboard on top to create a second layer of cups. Make everything easy to find next year by using clear cups and clear storage containers.


2. Drink Holders

'Tis the season for peppermint mochas and gingerbread lattes. Next time it's your turn to make a coffee run, hang onto those drink holders. The round spaces that hold beverages are similar in size to most round ornaments. And they are easy to stack inside a plastic storage container.


3. Egg Cartons

Egg cartons provide cozier compartments to keep your smaller baubles safely tucked away. While any egg carton will work, you'll get bonus points for using a clear one since you can easily spot which ornaments are housed within it. These can be stowed as-is, or stored inside a larger storage bin.


4. Apple Containers

Should you find yourself hitting up the bulk section or shopping at a warehouse store, load up on pre-packaged apples and save the containers. They are great for storing larger or odd-shaped ornaments that may not fit into the containers mentioned above. Again, we favored a clear container here.


Now, you've got all the tools you need to go forth and organize those ornaments! Unpacking everything next year will be a breeze.

