Is This An IKEA Product Name Or "Star Wars" Reference? (How Much Do You Really Know?)

Tell us: are you an IKEA enthusiast or a Star Wars super fan? Maybe you're both, which would make sense because these two camps have something pretty cool in common: the knack for names.

Time to test your knowledge. Which is the name of an IKEA product or series line? And which is a person, place, or thing from Star Wars movies and stories?


Good luck, and may the force be with you. Or should we say, må kraften vara med dig!

(See all answers below.)

1. Loatha vs. Lomviken

2. Skurar vs. Sweitt

Which one is a candle holder? Which one served in the Galactic Republic Senate?

3. Gafferky vs. Godmorgon

Which one is a nervous hypochondriac? Which one is cabinetry?

4. Slowen vs. Smycka

Which one is an artificial flower? Which one sold driftwood sculptures?

5. Trofast vs. Therm

Which one frequented the card tables? Which one is storage?

6. Galant vs. Galen

Which one offers storage? Which one is a brilliant scientist?

7. Dejarik vs. Delaktig

Which is a holographic board game? Which one offers lounging?

8. Kalkgrund v. Kanjiklub

Which one has bathroom accessories? Which is a criminal organization of street fighters?

9. Vandor vs. Vorda

Which one is a knife? Which one is an unspoiled frontier of mountains and plains?

10. Ranarp vs. Rokkna

Which one is lighting? Which is a tentacled creature living in the ocean?

11. Liatorp vs. Lothal

Which one is a planet that has both a city center and farmland? Which is a furniture line?


1. Loatha vs. Lomviken

Star Wars: Loatha | IKEA: Lomviken

Star Wars: Sweitt | IKEA: Skurar

Star Wars: Gafferky | IKEA: Godmorgon

Star Wars: Slowen | IKEA: Smycka

Star Wars: Therm | IKEA: Trofast

Star Wars: Galen | IKEA: Galant


Star Wars: Dejarik | IKEA: Delaktig

Star Wars: Kanjiklub | IKEA: Kalkgrund

Star Wars: Vandor | IKEA: Vorda

Star Wars: Rokkna | IKEA: Ranarp

Star Wars: Lothal | IKEA: Liatorp

