How To Deadhead Asiatic Lilies

Things Needed

  • Asiatic lily

  • Sharp knife


Asiatic lilies come in a range of 2 to 5 ft. tall. This makes them a great choice for the middle or back of the flower garden. The shorter varieties make a good container plant.


Remove the pollen structures and anthers before bringing them inside for cut flowers. Lilies produce a lot of pollen that can stain clothing.

Asiatic lilies are one of the most popular and easiest lilies to grow. They are very hardy and grow in the northern United States. They do not need any staking for support. They grow in nearly any soil as long as the soil drains well. They have large blooms and a sweet aroma. Asiatic lilies can be deadheaded when the blooms fade keeping the plant looking neat and beautiful.

Step 1

Pull the faded blossom out away from the stem. By removing the blossoms as they fade, the plant does not waste its energy producing seeds. It stores the energy away inside the bulb for next year's blooming season.

Step 2

Slice through the base of the blossom with a sharp clean knife. A sharp knife will minimize any damage to the plant. Keep your tools clean so you do not spread plant diseases and pests in your garden.

Step 3

Discard the faded blossom. Add the blossom to your compost pile so it can break down and be added to the soil for the next year.

Step 4

Do not remove any foliage or stems. As long as the foliage and stems remain green, they are feeding the bulb. This energy will go into producing a larger bulb and flowers next year.

Step 5

Remove the old foliage in the late fall or early spring. Cut the dead stalks down with a sharp knife and add them to the garden compost pile.
