How To Turn Water Back On After Getting Air Out Of The Pipes


Make sure all faucets and appliances have smooth flowing water before shutting off faucets and spigots.

Bleeding air from water pipes reduces pipe noise. When air pressure builds up in plumbing pipes, it puts undue stress on faucets, fittings, solder joints and pipes. Prior to bleeding air from the pipes, the main water supply is off while all faucets remain open to force the excess air out of the pipes. Bleeding pipes restores the correct balance of air and water pressure to your plumbing, eliminating water hammer, whistling and clanging and banging pipes. Restoring the water supply is the last step when quieting your pipes.

Step 1

Allow all faucets and spigots inside and outside the home to remain open from one-quarter to one-third of the way.

Step 2

Locate the main water valve. The main water valve, generally located in basements where the water supply comes into the house or next to the water meter, is the one you shut off when you began removing air from the pipes.

Step 3

Turn the main water valve on. The faucets and pipes will make a great deal of noise. Water will begin to sputter and spit out of shaking faucets. This is normal. Allow the water to continue running until it runs freely and smoothly, which generally takes 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 4

Open all faucets and spigots another one-quarter to one-third of the way. Wait for the water to run smoothly and open the faucets fully. Allow the water to flow until water no longer spits from the faucet.

Step 5

Turn all the faucets off in the house.
