MSMA Mixing Instructions

Things Needed

  • Protective clothing

  • Eye protection

  • Respirator

  • Gloves

  • Hand sprayer


Use MSMA in the spring, before weeds grow to maturity.

Mow grass before application. The grass should be 1 1/2 cm to 2 cm high.

The soil should be moist. Water the lawn before MSMA is applied.

Reapply MSMA herbicide 10 to 14 days after the initial application if there is evidence of regrowth.

Use a large drop setting on your sprayer. Fine mists will drift onto nearby plants.


Herbicides are toxic to humans and animals. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Keep children and pets away from areas where herbicides have been sprayed for at least 24 hours.

Do not spray herbicides when expecting inclement weather.

Do not spray herbicides when the wind is blowing, as it may contaminate water sources or come into contact with other plants.

Take care of aquatic environments. Do not spray in areas where run-off will contaminate bodies of water.

Dispose of herbicide in a responsible manner.

MSMA herbicide is used to control invasive weed species in residential lawns. It is effectively used to eradicate crabgrass, sandbur and nut sedge. Yellowing of the lawn may occur, and MSMA is not suitable for all types of lawns. Make sure you read all the directions to ascertain the suitability of the product for your lawn needs. When using the product on new lawns, wait until after the lawn has been mowed at least three times.


Step 1

Don protective clothing, chemical-resistant gloves and eye protection before mixing MSMA herbicide. A respirator will prevent the inhalation of herbicide vapor.

Step 2

Mix MSMA herbicide with water in a hand sprayer. Do not use a hose sprayer. For young plants or in conditions where the temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or above, mix 2 tbsp. (or 1 fluid oz.) with 1 gallon of water. This will cover an area of 250 square feet. Increase proportionately for larger areas.


Step 3

Mix a stronger concentration of MSMA herbicide when spraying mature weeds or in weather between 75 degrees and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Use 2 1/2 tbsp. or 1 1/4 fluid oz. of herbicide for each gallon of water. This will cover a 250-square-foot area.

