How To Transport An Extension Ladder


Law requires that you have a red flag attached to your extension ladder when it extends 4 feet beyond the rear of your vehicle.

How to Transport an Extension Ladder. An extension ladder comes in handy for many jobs. These extra-long ladders are used to reach high levels that a regular ladder won't reach. Transportation can be tricky.


Step 1

Transport an extension ladder to your work site with safety in mind. Whether you rent an extension ladder or buy one, you need to secure the ladder with some type of tie-downs. Rope or ratchet straps will be sufficient.


Step 2

Load the extension ladder by one of several options. The simplest way is to load an extension ladder on a truck with a ladder or material rack. This way, the ladder can lay flat on two surfaces above the vehicle and can be tied down securely with your rope or ratchet straps.

Step 3

Consider another option if you don't have a ladder or material rack. Lay the ladder in the bed of your truck. Weight down the back side of the ladder towards your cab. This helps the ladder to lay stable when you transport it. Tie the ladder off using the methods mentioned above.

Step 4

Plan carefully if you transport an extension ladder by the use of a car. First, apply a cushion on the roof of your car in order to prevent damage to the car's paint. Center the ladder in the middle of the roof. Make sure the ladder is also centered front to back of the vehicle so that the load is evenly distributed.


Step 5

Tie the extension ladder down securely when you transport by car. Take four pieces of rope and tie two on the front of the ladder and two on the back. Secure tightly on each side of your front and rear car bumpers. This acts as a pyramid tie so the ladder can't shift from side to side or front to back.

