How To Dispose Of Stain Rags: A DIY Guide

One of the downsides of staining floors, furniture, and other surfaces is dealing with the stain rags once the home improvement project is complete. Stain rags are not only messy and smelly, but they can also be dangerous if they're not disposed of properly.


Any rag used to apply or clean up oil-based stains, oil-based paints, or any oil-based finish, such as some polyurethanes, can burst into flames if they are simply thrown into a pile at the end of the day. The same is true for rags used to clean up paints and finishes with mineral spirits.

Although many homeowners are not aware of the problem, there's a warning about the dangers of improper disposal printed on oil-based products. (There is no such warning on water-based stains and finishes.) Fortunately, there are a few safe ways to dispose of an oil-soaked stain rag.


As oil-soaked rags dry, the oil residue in the rags reacts with oxygen, generating heat. If the rags are balled up or in a pile with one on top of the other, the heat is confined in a small space. Because the typical stain rag is made of cotton or some other absorbent cloth that is combustible, the circumstances can lead to spontaneous combustion, which may lead to a house fire. The National Fire Protection Association says that, on average, 900 home fires per year are started this way. Proper disposal can prevent this major fire hazard.

How to Dispose of Stain Rags

Have a stain rag you need to dispose of? Here are a couple of easy and safe ways to get rid of them after a DIY project. (If desired, you can combine the following methods for extra security, but this is not required.)


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Dry Out Stain Rags

Oily rags are dangerous while they are drying out, but if they dry safely, there is no danger. The goal here is to hang or lay them out individually so there are not layers of material that can trap heat.

  1. Separate the rags and spread them out so they can dry safely with ample air ventilation. You can hang the rags over the rungs of a ladder or over a clothesline or the edge of a metal trashcan. Alternatively, you can lay out the rags in a single layer on a noncombustible surface like concrete or gravel.
  2. Let the rags air out and dry for at least 48 hours. They should be completely dry and feel very stiff. There should not be an oil smell.
  3. Dispose of the dried rags according to local regulations. Contact your local public works department for guidance. Some towns treat oily rags as hazardous material that requires special handling. But in many cases, you can simply place the rags in an outdoor trash can for regular trash pickup.


If you want to be extra cautious, dip the rags in water before putting them in the trash.

Submerging oily rags in water prevents oxidation, which can lead to the rags catching on fire. Always use a watertight metal container with a tightly sealing lid for this method.

  1. Place the rags in a metal container that has a lid. You can buy clean gallon-size cans that look like paint cans at a home center or hardware store. You can also use an empty paint can.
  2. Add water and a little dish soap, using enough water so that the rags are submerged.
  3. Place the top on the can and close it tightly. If you're using a paint can, secure the lid by tapping it with a rubber mallet or a hammer.
  4. Dispose of the sealed container according to local regulations. Contact your local public works department for guidance. You may need to drop off the container at a hazardous waste facility.

