How To Whiten Polyester

Things Needed

  • Laundry tub

  • 1 cup sliced lemons

  • Washing machine

  • 1/2 cup white vinegar

  • 1/4 cup laundry detergent

Polyester is a durable, synthetic fabric known for its wrinkle resistance. Like all fabrics, polyester is prone to discoloration from grime buildup and stains. White polyester garments are especially likely to develop a dingy tinge, which is distinctly aesthetically unappealing. This dingy tinge worsens over time, making polyester more difficult to restore. Promptly whiten polyester garments to visibly brighten and rejuvenate their appearance. Fortunately, natural ingredients can safely and effectively whiten dingy polyester garments.


Step 1

Fill a clean laundry tub with warm water. Add 1 cup of sliced lemons to the warm water.

Step 2

Soak the white polyester garment in the fresh lemon water overnight. Lemons naturally whiten all fabric types.

Step 3

Transfer the polyester garment into your washing machine. Launder the polyester in warm water along with 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of laundry detergent. Vinegar safely whitens, softens and disinfects polyester garments.


Step 4

Hang the freshly washed garment outdoors in the sunlight to air-dry. Natural sunlight restores white polyester to its original color.


Substitute 1 cup of baking soda for 1/2 cup white vinegar.

