How To Find My Property Lines Online

You may be contemplating building an addition to your house or building a fence. Before you begin your project, you will need to make sure you know your property lines. One way to do this is to hire a land surveyor. There are also ways to determine property line online. Many counties now have online property maps available that are free to the general public. You can find these maps through your county or tax assessor's website.


Step 1

Use a search engine to find your local property maps. These types of maps are often called Geographical Information System or GIS. Type in your county's name and GIS map in the search engine.

Step 2

Find the website for your county. Most counties in the United States have an interactive GIS map. If you cannot find one for your county, check your town or city.


Step 3

Enter your property address in the appropriate field or your name. Choose your property from the listing.

Step 4

View maps and property information on your home. You should be able to view property lines from the information provided by the interactive maps.

