How To Repair A Wobbly Lamp

Attempting to turn on a table lamp only to find it wobbling in your hands as you grope in the darkness is no fun. While a wobbly lamp won't cause a cup of coffee to spill like a wobbly table could, it's still an annoyance, and unfortunately, this issue is not solved as easily as stuffing a folded napkin under one leg. Most table lamps have hollow parts that conceal the cord and socket wires. The structural parts are held together with a threaded rod and one or more nuts. When a lamp is wobbling, something usually needs to be tightened.


How to Fix a Wobbly Lamp

1. Adjust the Base Rod and Nut

Unplug the lamp and remove the bulb and lampshade. Turn the lamp over to access the bottom of the base. At the bottom of the base, you'll see a threaded rod and nut or you'll see felt. If you see felt, use scissors to remove the felt and access the rod and nut. Use an adjustable wrench to make sure that the nut is tightened securely.


2. Secure the Top of the Lamp and Socket

After tightening the base as needed, check to make sure that the rod and nut (or their equivalent) at the top of the lamp (which secures the lamp socket) are also firmly in place. Be sure to check that the socket is in place as well. If it isn't, screw it back in. Be careful that you don't tighten the top too much. Lamps made of ceramic or glass are fragile and can shatter or crack if subjected to a lot of force.

3. Replace the Felt

If you had to remove the felt to access the base nut, it's time to replace the felt. Place the lamp on a piece of new felt. Trace around the base with a chalk pencil. Cut out the new felt, making sure that it's a little smaller in diameter than the traced line. Use all-purpose glue to attach the new felt to the lamp base and allow it to dry per the manufacturer's instructions. Reattach the shade and light bulb.



Sometimes, a wobbly table lamp isn't caused by a problem with the lamp structure but rather with the lampshade. Crooked or wobbling lampshades are most commonly caused by a poorly installed harp saddle, which helps balance and support the shade itself. Making sure the saddle is in a level position will keep the lampshade from wobbling.

